Division Administration and Auxiliary Services


  • Provide prudent financial management; 

  • Provide advisory services on issues pertaining to Human Resources; 
  • Provide support services; 
  • Provide ICT Services, and evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management; 
  • Provide control and governance process.


The Division Administration consists of five subdivisions:

1. Finance

Maintain Prudent Financial Management within the Commission, which includes amongst others the preparation of the Budget and Budget execution in line with Laws and Regulations governing the state finances.

2. Human Resources and Learning and Development

Human resources management and capacity building within the Commission.

3. Auxiliary Services

Provision of support services such as transport, Management, Stock control, Procurement, Maintenance and secretarial services. 

4. Information Technology 

Execute the provision of the support and administration functions such as IT services and provision of adequate and fully functional network  infrastructure.

 5. Internal Audit

Internal Audit functions.