Procurement Archive

Anti-Corruption Commission hereby invite interested bidders to bid for the provision of the following Goods and Services:



Date Advertised

Closing Date 

Closing Time

Status Documents download
29. Fire extinguisher/detector services 09/01/2024 15/01/2024 12h00 CLOSED NCS/IQ/30-46/2022/23
28. Renewal of Antivirus software license 13/12/2023 21/12/2023 12h00 CLOSED G/RFQ/30-22/2023/24
27. Promotional Materials for International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) 13/11/2023 17/11/2023 10H30 CLOSED G/RFQ/30-19/23/24
26. Supply and delivery of IT equipment to the
Anti-Corruption Commission.
20/10/2023 01/12/2023 12h10 CLOSED G/ONB/30-04/2023/24
25. Supply and delivery of office furniture and accessories
to the Anti-Corruption Commission
20/10/2023 01/12/2023 12h10 CLOSED G/ONB/30-03/2023/24
24. Printing of AC Act 08/09/2023 12/09/2023 12h00 CLOSED NCS/IQ/30-32/2023/24
23.  Supply and delivery of Laptops, Printers, IT Accessories and Software licenses 21/08/2023  07 /08/2023 14h30 CLOSED G/RFQ/30-11/2023/24
22. Provision of Domestic, Regional and International Travel Management services to the Anti-Corruption Commission for a period of 3 year 7/07/2023  11 /08/2023  10H30 CLOSED NCS/ONB/30-01/2023/24
21. Rental of photocopiers, servicing and repairs of onsite printers for a period of 3 years (36 months) to the Anti-Corruption Commission 7/07/2023  11 /08/2023  10H30 CLOSED G/ONB/30-02/2023/24
20. Cleaning of office premises at ACC HQ 07/06/2023 13/06/2023 13/06/2023 CLOSED NCS/IQ/30-13/2023/24
19. Supply and delivery of stamps 28/04/2023 5/05/2023 10:00 CLOSED G/IQ/30-04/2023/24
18. Cleaning/weeding office premises at ACC HQ 13/02/2023 15/02/2023 12:00 CLOSED



17. Supply and delivery of PA system to ACC 24/01/2023 6/02/2023 14h30 CLOSED G/RFQ/30-17/2022/23
16. Supply and delivery of office furniture to ACC HQ 24/01/2023 6/02/2023 14h30 CLOSED



15. Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment 24/01/2023 6/02/2023 14h30 CLOSED



14. Fire extinguisher/detector services 12/01/2023 18/01/2023 12H00 CLOSED NCS/IQ/30-55/2022/23
13. Supply and delivery of round neck T-shirts  30/11/2022 05/12/2022 12H00 CLOSED G/IQ/30-24/2022/23
12. Supply and delivery of Trolley bags 22/11/2022 02/12/2022 11H30 CLOSED G/RFQ/30-13/2022-23
11. Supply and delivery of IT Accessories and small equipment 22/11/2022 02/12/2022 11H30 CLOSED G/RFQ/30-14/2022/23

First Aid Kits

NB: For sports
22/11/2022 28/11/2022 12H00 CLOSED G/IQ/30-41/2022/23

Partitioning of the reception at Ground and first floor at ACC Headquarter.  

18/10/2022 01/11/2022 10H30 Awarded W/RFQ/30-9/2022/2023
8. Cleaning office windows at ACC HQ 07/09/2022 12/09/2022 12H00 Awarded NCS/IQ/30-30/2021/23
7. Cleaning of office premises at ACC HQ 19/08/2022 22/08/2022 12H00 Awarded NCS/IQ/30-25/2021/23
6. Contract for the supply and delivery of Stationaries for a period of 3 Years
(36 months) to the Anti-corruption Commission
30 June 2022 01 Aug 2022 14H15 Awarded G/ONB/30-05/2022/23
5. Contract for the supply and delivery of cleaning materials for a period of 3
years (36 months) to the Anti-Corruption Commission.
30 June 2022 01 Aug 2022 14H15 Awarded G/ONB/30-04/2022/23
4. Contract for the supply and delivery of cartridges to the Anti-Corruption
Commission for a period of 3 year (36 months)
30 June 2022 01 August 2022 14H15 Awarded G/ONB/30-03/2022/23

Contract for servicing and repairs of UPS and Generator for a period of 3 years (36 months) to Anti-Corruption Commission



13/06/2022 14H15 Awarded


3. Contract for security services to the Anti-Corruption Commission for a period of 3 years 13/05/2022 13/06/2022 14H15 CLOSED


2. Supply and delivery of suggestion box 14/032022 17/03/2022 12H00 Awarded


  Supply and delivery of 3 ply surgical masks 17 August 2021 30 August 2021 11:30 Closed G/RFQ/30-01/2021/22

Supply and delivery of IT Accessories and small equipment

Clarification: Quantity for the Digital Voice Recorders, is x 10 items

17 August 2021 30 August 2021 11:30 Closed G/RFQ/30-02/2021/22 
  Printing of the Anti-Corruption Commission Annual Report 2020/2021 financial year. 17 August 2021 30 August 2021 11:30 Closed G/RFQ/30-02/2021/22 
  Supply and delivery of Cleaning Materials for a period of 2 years (24 months contract) 14 June 2019 15 July 2019 10h00 Closed Bid Document
  Supply and delivery of Stationary for a period of 2 years (24 month contract 14 June 2019 15 July 2019 10h00 Closed Bid Document
  Supply and delivery of Cartridges for a period of 2 years (24 month contract) 14 June 2019 15 July 2019 10h00 Closed Bid Document
  Provision of Security Services to Anti-Corruption Commission for a period of three (3) years (re-advertisement) 15 February 2019 15 March 2019 14h30 Closed Bid Document
  Servicing of Generator and UPS for a period of three (3) years 15 February 2019 15 March 2019 14h30 Closed Bid Document


Debarred / Suspended Bidders / Suppliers (Procurement Policy Unit: Ministry of Finance)
Exemption to all Public Entities with regards to application of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) - in terms of Section 45 of the Public Procurement Act, 2015  
Capacity Building Strategy and Capacity Development Programme  
Date Advertised

Quotation Bid Opening:

24 Supply and delivery of IT equipment to the
Anti-Corruption Commission.
20 Oct 2023 BIDS
23. Supply and delivery of office furniture and accessories
to the Anti-Corruption Commission
20 Oct 2023 BIDS
22. Promotional Materials for International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) 13 Nov 2023 BIDS
21. Printing of AC Act 8 Sep 2023 BIDS
20. Rental of photocopiers, servicing and repairs of onsite printers for a period of 3 years (36 months) to the Anti-Corruption Commission 21 July 2023 BIDS
19. Provision of Domestic, Regional and International Travel Management services to the Anti-Corruption Commission for a period of 3 year 21 July 2023 BIDS
18. Supply and delivery of Laptops,Printers,IT Accessories and Software Licenses 21 July 2023 BIDS
17. Cleaning of office premises at ACC HQ 07 June 2023 BIDS

Cleaning/weeding office premises at ACC HQ

AWARED :Mono Trading

13 Feb 2023 BIDS
15. Supply and delivery of PA system to ACC 6 Feb 2023 BIDS
14. Supply and delivery of office furniture to ACC HQ 6 Feb 2023 BIDS
13. Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment 6 Feb 2023 BIDS

Supply and delivery of Trolley bag


22 Nov 2022 BIDS

Supply and delivery of IT Accessories and small equipment


22 Nov 2022 BIDS

Partitioning of the reception at Ground and first floor at ACC Headquarter



Contract for the supply and delivery of cartridges to the Anti-Corruption Commission for a period of 3 year (36 months)


30 June 20222 BIDS

ontract for the supply and delivery of cleaning materials for a period of 3years (36 months) to the Anti-Corruption Commission


30 June 20222 BIDS

Contract for the supply and delivery of Stationaries for a period of 3 Years(36 months) to the Anti-corruption Commission


30 June 20222 BIDS

Contract for security services to the Anti-Corruption Commission


13 May 2022 BIDS

Contract for servicing and repairs of UPS and Generator)


13 May 2022 BIDS

Awards Company

Procurement Number


PDF Document



Season Travelling and Tours Namibia and

Travel Hub Namibia

NCS/ONB/30-01/2023/24 Contract for Provision of Domestic, Regional and International Travel Management services to the Anti-Corruption Commission for a period of 3 year Awarded Executive Summary

Namibia Technology Solutions (Item no. 1) 

Namibia Office Equipment (NASHUA) (Item no. 2)

G/ONB/30-02/2023/24 Contract for Rental of photocopiers, servicing and repairs of onsite printers for a period of 3 years (36 months) to the Anti-Corruption Commission Awarded Executive Summary
Picus Trading Enter prises CC G/ONB/30-03/2022/23 CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CARTRIDGE'S FOR THE PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS Closed Executive Summary
Rob Mcglees Engineering cc NCS/ONB/30-02/2022/23

Contract for servicing and repairs of UPS and Generator for a period of 3 years (36 months) to Anti-Corruption Commission

Closed Evaluation Summary

TMU Delivery and Supply Services (Pty) LTD

GEE and Sons Trading CC

G/ONB/30-02/2021/22 Supply and Delivery of Computer, Monitors, Printers and Shredders to the Anti-Corruption Commission Summary
Solitaire Press (Pty) LTD NCS/ONB/30-01/2021/22 Contract for Design, layout, printing, syntax and grammatical editing services to the Anti-Corruption Commission Summary
AShine Trading cc  G/RFQ/30-01/2021/22 Supply and delivery of 3 ply surgical masks Summary

AA System Investment

G/RFQ/30-02/2021/22 Supply and delivery of IT Accessories and small equipment Summary
Magnetize Investment CC G/ONB/30-01/2019 Supply and delivery of Cleaning Material Document
Waltons Namibia PTY (Ltd G/ONB/30-02/2019 Supply and delivery of Stationary Document
Waltons Namibia PTY (Ltd G/ONB/30-03/2019 Supply and delivery of Cartridges Document
PIS Security Services


Provision of Security Services Document
Hue-Waldt Electrical and Construction cc


Servicing of Generator and UPS Document